Boston MA | Gloucester MA Whale Watch Sightings GuaranteeWe

our sightings guarantee

  • We are so confident in our ability to find whales, we guarantee it. If you do not see a whale with us,boston ma whale watch boat you may come again FREE FOR LIFE until you do. We do not consider this a gimmick—it is our passion to show our guests these gentile giants, and share an experience of a lifetime. Our 98% success rate is due to our location, speed, and local experience - 35 years and counting). We feature the largest and fastest whale watch vessel in Massachusetts, north of Boston.

  • This is not a money back guarantee. Whether you have traveled from around the world or live right here in the greater Boston area, Cape Ann Whale Watch wants to show you the whales off the Gloucester, Massachusetts coast. Giving your money back would not accomplish this goal. If you happen to be here on the rare day that we do not see whales, your entire party can come again, FREE FOR LIFE until we do. Remember, we do see whales on 98% of our trips.